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Spending My Special Time With God

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Anger Is The Wind That Blows Out The Light Of Reason

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. ~Author Unknown

Heavenly Father help me control my anger today. If someone is angry at me help me to defuse the situation so that a peaceful solution can be found. Dear God if others try to incite me to anger help me to walk away instead of getting angry and losing control. Father I wish to honor and glorify you. If I am not dealing with issues that I should, so that I become short tempered, help me see these things I need to work on and resolve them so that I may move on. Father if my heart is bitter help me to face my bitterness so that I can forgive others that have hurt me and move on. Dear God I ask your forgiveness if I have in anger caused anyone pain or hurt feelings. Father heal them and give them peace. Heavenly Father if I still hold any unforgiving feelings in my heart I pray that you point this out to me so that I may forgive them. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen

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Does Your Email Address Witness To Your Faith?

I just wanted to let you know about another wonderful way that you can use the internet to sow the seeds of faith. It is with an faith email address. I have found two free sites that you can use to spread your faith. The first site address is http://www.jesusanswers.com You can set up a free email account with them. My email address with this site is the one I have with this blog. My email address at this site is allprayers@jesusanswers.com You have no idea about the many times people have commented on my email address. How many times do you give your email address out to people. What a statement of faith you can make using an email like the one I have. The second site address I just discovered. You can also set up a free email account with them. I just set up an address with them too. The site address is http://www.believeandrepent.com My new email address is allsinsforgiven@believeandrepent.com So now you have 2 choices you can use for email that will spread your faith without saying a word. Check them out.